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Animated/Cartoon Movies in Hindi

Lego Jurassic World The Indominus Escape Hindi Dubbed HD 480p [77MB] | 720p [306MB]

Original Title: Lego Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape
IMDB Ratings: 8.2/10
Duration: 25min
Release Date: 2015
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Language: Hindi Dubbed
Quality: HD
Size: 480p [77MB] | 720p [306MB]

Simon Masrani takes Claire Diering in his helicopter for a ride, he does some aerial maneuvers, causing him to accidentally crash into avieri and fall out of his helicopter. Owen Grady saves Simon from his trained Pertanodon Tango after doing some training on his Velosaroptors. As Simon is taken by an ambulance, Simon tells Claire that he needs a new attraction for Jurassic World while Aviie is being repaired.

In the bushes, Vic Hoskins is shown hunting dinosaurs as he prepares to shoot it. Meanwhile, Claire plans to create a new dinosaur. When Owen says it is impossible to create a dinosaur species, Dr. Henry Wu says he can create one as he makes a carnorator to make the DNA of the velinosaptor to carnorous with cornorus. During the evening, Vic is still hunting dinosaurs. When Owen moves to the old part of the island, he has different hybrid dinosaurs such as Ankylodocus (an ankylosaurus/ankylodocus). RetailSoak looks at the hybrid, an antitrosaurus (an ankylosaurus/an ankylosaurus). Cantrosehybrid), a carnorator, a spinraptor (a spinosaurus/c) Eutreptor hybrid). and a stagcarattops (a tricerotops/steco/s) Stagsaurus Hybrid). While driving the gyrosphere through the forest, Vic becomes a park employee who chases dinosaurs who are dressed as a dinosaur. The mascot is rescued by a hybrid that hits Vic’s gyrosphere from a distance. Owen then brings the employee to the eye of the new attraction as he prepares as a hot dog the next day.

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